Friday, November 9, 2012

Lesson: Composition.

The composition of your photo can either make the photo, or break it. Bad composition can make an amazing scene look sloppy and unappealing. But good composition can take an ordinary scene and turn it into an extraordinary image.

A few things you must know about composition:
The subject - The subject itself, if its not interesting, chances are the image is also going to be uninteresting. 
Colors, if the background is white, and your subject is white, your image is going to be dull, look for contrast and interesting color combinations. If possible move your subject or change your background for still life images. 
Lighting, is the lighting too harsh, does it create an interesting shadow, or take away from the overall image?
And most importantly, sore the image tell a story, is it easy to understand, does it make you think, is it clear and easy on the eyes?
These are all important things to consider when initially photographing an object or scene.
The composition
Layout and position of subject. 
Camera position, angle and height.
Appropriate lens.
Focus point and depth of field.
Shutter speed.
These are all things you need to think about and adjust to create your perfect photo.

How to compose an image that is appealing to the eye:
Rule of thirds - The rule of thirds basically means, split your image into three sections horizontally and vertically. Where the lines cross is usually the best place to place your subject. Placing your secondary subject and the opposite crossing point makes for an even more interesting and balanced photo. Of course, rules are meant to be broken, and some images are more compelling when you dont follow this rule.

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